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Conditions Required to Collect a Security Deposit at Move-In

Conditions Required to Collect a Security Deposit at Move-In

A security deposit is intended to provide some balance to the risk that a rental property owner takes on when allowing someone to move into their rental property. The money you collect as a security deposit is meant to cover the potential costs of repairing any damage that’...
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The Power of Location: Finding the Right Neighborhoods for Your Investment Properties

The Power of Location: Finding the Right Neighborhoods for Your Investment Properties

Location is important when you’re choosing an investment property and considering its neighborhood. This is not something you don’t already know. However, a lot of investors can get drawn in by a great property and forget to notice where it’s located. ...
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Solving Tenant Disputes: Expert Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Solving Tenant Disputes: Expert Strategies for Conflict Resolution

If you’re going to be a hands-on landlord, you’ll have to be comfortable with conflicts and disputes. They are bound to happen with your tenants, and you’ll need to know how to handle them. You may find yourself in the middle of a dispute between neighbors ...
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Winter Property Maintenance Checklist for Your Rentals

Winter Property Maintenance Checklist for Your Rentals

In Virginia, we’re fortunate to experience all four seasons without any of them being too intense. We might get some snow and ice in the winter, but it’s rare that we’re buried beneath a blizzard. That doesn’t mean there aren’t preparations that...
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The Importance of Staying Up-to-Date with Local and National Housing Laws

The Importance of Staying Up-to-Date with Local and National Housing Laws

How familiar are you with the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (VRLTA)? This is the law that rental property owners need to study and understand in order to effectively rent out properties in the state. Knowing the law can prevent you from being sued or finding yourse...
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Maximizing Rental Income: Proven Rent Increase Strategies

Maximizing Rental Income: Proven Rent Increase Strategies

As a landlord, you want to maximize the income you earn from your rental property. The most basic way to do that is by increasing rent prices in accordance with what the market demands while still keeping tenants happy and renewing their lease agreements year after year. Max...
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The Impact of Remote Work on the Real Estate Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for Property Managers

The Impact of Remote Work on the Real Estate Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for Property Man...

Remote work has impacted the real estate industry in two dramatic ways. First, it has changed the location preferences of people who once had to live close to where they worked. Second, the remote work trend (which is hardly a trend and is clearly here to stay) has impacted real ...
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Boost Your Rentals: The Power of Building a Strong Online Presence for Your Properties

Boost Your Rentals: The Power of Building a Strong Online Presence for Your Properties

Twenty or 25 years ago, if you were advertising your rental properties online, you were light years ahead of the competing properties in the area. There wasn’t much you had to do; the fact that you were on the internet at all was pretty innovative and likely to get the atte...
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Landscaping Tips to Make Maintaining Your Rental Property Easier

Landscaping Tips to Make Maintaining Your Rental Property Easier

Keeping your rental property looking great doesn't have to be a complicated battle. It’s also important to remember that maintenance doesn’t only happen inside the property. You need to keep the exterior looking great, too. With the right landscaping plan in ...
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What Does Landlord Insurance Cover?

What Does Landlord Insurance Cover?

For a landlord, having the right insurance in place is key to preventing unexpected financial losses. Knowing what exactly your policy covers and doesn't cover can be confusing, with all the fine print and complicated jargon that comes along with insurance paperwork and ...
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Showing 11- 20 of 126